Phonics For nursery age children -

We follow ‘Little Wandle Foundtions’ and ‘Foundations for a Love of Reading.’

Reading in Robin Class - We really love stories and reading for fun in Robin Class, be that sharing a much loved book at home, choosing one to snuggle down with in the reading corner or voting for our story time book.

Click the link below to see a list of the top 100 Reception age good quality texts.

Reception 100 books

How many have you read before? Could you visit our local library to find some of them?

This reading list has come from Books for primary schools - Peters and includes many interesting titles.

Nursery 100 Books

Maths - White rose maths

Our current reads are……

Maths in the Reception Class

As a school we follow the ‘White Rose Hub’ Maths curriculum outline to ensure that the children are both learning and consolidating their maths knowledge in discrete lessons, group work and during child initiated play.

Phonics in Reception

As a school we have recently began our journey with a new phonics scheme called ‘Little Wandle.’

Each day the children share a whole class phonics session from 9.05-9.25 where we are introduced to a new phoneme (sound) starting with single graphemes (letter shapes) moving on to digraphs (2 letter sounds- ch, sh, ee) and trigraphs (3 letter sounds - igh, ear)

Each day we practice blending the sounds for reading and segmenting the sounds in a word for spelling. We also practice our ‘tricky words’ daily. (words that cannot be sounded out - the, no)

The children read in guided reading groups 3 times a week revisitng the same book. These books are matched to the children’s current learning in the phonics sessions and this allows them to apply their new learning.

Children who need any extra practice are supported through daily ‘catch up sessions.’